Neel Mehta

Aspiring Computer Scientist.
Honors Computer Science Student at the University of Waterloo.

I have experience with languages such as Java and Python and have worked with platforms and frameworks such as Android, Django and Express (for Node.js).


Pathfinder - Genetic algorithm to help users make the most efficient use of their day to finish tasks. The algorithm considers the location of the task to be finished, how long the task would take and by when the task had to be finished.

RemindMe - An accessibility app for early stage Alzhimer's patients to help them multitask. Built at Hack4Health, organised by the Applied Health Sciences dept. at UWaterloo.

TapThat - An Android app that allows users to show their support for their preferred candidate in the 2016 US Election.

Floor-AL - A Q-learning based algorithm to help optimise floor rates in ad auctions. Built at HackWithIX, organised by IndexExchange.

KinectWatch - Enables users to use a Kinect to play Overwatch using customisable gestures. Built at HackPrinceton.

StudentFinder - A Java application for my high school that enables teachers to locate students during a school day by analysing the students’ schedules.

TextLock - An Android app aimed at text encryption that uses my own encryption algorithm, a modified version of the Vigenère cipher.